Thursday, December 15, 2011

Golden Globe Nominations: My thoughts

Well The Golden Globes have been announced and the Baftas and Oscars aren't far behind. Last year had some pretty awful nominations (The Tourist? Seriously) but The Social Network won best picture so I have mixed feelings about it. This year, eh pretty good. not exactly how i would have done it but not bad.

Best Motion Picture- Drama

Ok I've seen 3 of these. War Horse isn't even out yet but hopefully the nomination means that it's a good movie. I've seen The Descendants, The Help and The Ides of March
What Surprised Me: The Ides of March. I loved the movie but the movie's award hype died down so quickly. This is one of the only award shows that's actually taking notice of it
What was snubbed: Drive. Despite recieving numerous award nominations at other shows like The Satellite Awards and Critic's Choice, it has only one nomination at the Golden Globes. I also thought that The Tree of Life was deserving but since the reaction was so polarizing, I can't blame the Golden Globes for snubbing it.
What will win: The Descendants

Best Picture- Musical or Comedy

I've only seen one of these....Bridesmaids which was a great film. I'll see more next week with a shady internet site. ;)
UPDATE: I've since seen Midnight in Paris which was a lovely and charming movie.
 What Surprised Me: My Week with Marilyn. I had no idea that it was considered a comedy and I thought that the film looked like more of a showcase for Michelle Williams' acting talent than a masterful piece of writing
What was Snubbed: Despite it's nomination title, most of these movies aren't even straight out comedies. Where is Horrible Bosses? Where is A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas? Plus wasn't Crazy, Stupid Love supposed to be a super amazing movie?
What will win: The Artist. It's already practically a guarantee for an Oscar slot in this category so winning the golden globe should be a piece of cake.

Best Actor- Motion Picture Drama

Pretty solid list of nominees but it won't please everyone
What Surprised Me: Ryan Gosling for The Ides of March. He did a great job in a great movie but Drive was the true movie where he got to show off his acting skills. And the fact that Gosling is getting nominated for Drive, not The Ides of March, at other award shows shows that I'm not the only one who thinks this.
Who was snubbed: Ryan Gosling for Drive. His performance was subtle yet complex and intriguing. Also Gary Oldman for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy. His performance has been praised as subtly brilliant. Watching a 10 second clip on youtube and I'm already blow away.
Who will win: George Clooney, The Descendants

Best Actress- Motion Picture Drama

What Surprised Me: Tilda Swinton. I loved her Oscar winning role in Michael Clayton, but I didn't think that "Kevin" had gotten enough hype to get many awards. Glad to see I was proven wrong.
Who was snubbed: Just watching snippets of Melancholia and I am blown away by Kirsten Dunst who has never made much of an impression on me in the past. But I guess I should watch the whole movie. Also Elizabeth Olsen for Martha Marcy May Marlene, the more intelligent younger sister of the Olsen twins who's had lots of praise for her breakout performance.
Who will win: Viola Davis for The Help, but I'm not betting on it. Meryl Streep and Glenn Close definitely have a shot

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture- Comedy or Musical

What Surprised Me: Brenden Gleeson for The Guard. I loved Gleeson after he gave an outstanding performance in In Bruges but I know very little about this film except that it got great reviews from critics and it also has Don Cheadle. It didn't have much award hype. 
What was Snubbed: Charlie Day for Horrible Bosses. He stole almost every scene though his character isn't much different from his character on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."
I also think that Kal Penn and John Cho deserve shout outs as the unforgettable Harold and Kumar duo in A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
Plus despite being overshadowed by his costar, Senor Plummer, Ewan Mcgregor was outstanding in Beginners
Who will win:
Jean Dujardin and probably deservedly so. He's already nearly a lock for an Oscar nomination and the other 4 nominees will NOT be nominated at the Academy Awards so it's his for the taking.

Best Actress- Motion Picture- Musical or Comedy

What surprised me: Kristen Wiig for Bridesmaids. Melissa Mccarthy (the fat one) seemed far more likely as she was scoring nominations from the Screen Actors Guild  and the Critic's Choice Awards. Oh and all of the nominees are blonde (or at least were blonde in the movie). Weird coincidence. Or maybe it's a conspiracy! Scares the shit out of me just thinking about it.
Who was snubbed: Jennifer Aniston for Horrible Bosses. Playing against type, Aniston blew everyone('s mind) as an orthodontist and sexual deviant. FAR BETTER than anything that her ex-husband Brad Pitt has ever done. You hear that, Pitt? Yeah. Eat my shit!
Who will win: Michelle Williams. She and Charlize Theron have the best chance of getting Oscar nominations but she's the only one who might actually win the Oscar

Best Supporting Actor

What Surprised Me: Jonah Hill for Moneyball. It's Pitt's performance that's been praised. Most people are only calling Hill's performance good.
Viggo Mortensen for A Dangerous Method. The film looks great and Mortensen is very underrated but i don't remember other award shows paying much attention to it besides the Satellite Awards
Who was Snubbed: Max Von Sydow for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Despite it's hype, it's been completely shunned by the golden globes (as was True Grit last year and that got 10 Oscar nominations). Sydow's performance is praised highly by many. I thought he had a shot of winning the gold even. We'll see.
Nick Nolte- Warrior. Despite being called Nolte's best performance in years, a nomination is nowhere to be seen
Armie Hammer- J. Edgar. Hammer's performance is ridiculously underrated and matches Dicaprio 100%
Patton Oswalt- Young Adult. I'll have to see it, but a lot of people have been saying that he's an Oscar contender
Brad Pitt- The Tree of Life. His performance is subtle, elegant, and real. Not quite Jennifer Aniston standards though
Who will win: Christopher Plummer. He did an amazing job AND he's 82 years old and long overdue. Any other year and it would have gone to Albert Brooks
Best Supporting Actress-

What Surprised Me: None of these are particularly surprising. I predicted 4 out of 5 of these people for the Oscar nominees except I put Chastain at #6 and had predicted (and still predict) Vanessa Redgrave to be nominated for Coriolanus. The only surprising thing is the movie that Chastain was nominated for
Who was snubbed: Jessica Chastain in favor of Jessica Chastain. Her performance in The Help was really great but her performance in The Tree of Life was by far the better one. I've also heard great things about Carey Mulligan in Shame.
Who will win: Octavia Spencer. Definitley the most predictable category this year.

Best Director

What Surprised Me: George Clooney for The Ides of March. It was a terrific film not getting much hype
Who was snubbed:  God Damn it, Golden Globes. Here's who:
Nicolas Winding Refn did an amazing job with Drive. The camera work was beautiful and the performances were amazing. Plus it's the best film of the millenium. And look at him. I thought the hollywood foreign press (Golden globes) were quirky and shit. This guy looks totally hipster.
Steve Mcqueen (no not THAT Steve Mcqueen) is getting high praise for his direction in Shame and clearly isn't doing it for the money as he and the studios are letting Shame be NC-17.

Terrence Mallick's direction in The Tree of Life is nothing short of stunningly beautiful.

Who will win: It's between Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist and Alexander Payne for The Descendents. My money is on Hazanavicius since he's the only nominee who has NOT won a golden globe or an Oscar.