Sunday, December 2, 2012

2013 Oscar Predictions

The Oscars are coming! The Oscars are coming! Should we care? Probably not. But I do because...yeah. Let's predict

Best Supporting Actor
This is unusual. Last year, the category seemed to be filled with possibilites, but this year there have only been a handful that truly stand out. Simply put, most of these guys have very little chance of getting nominated

1. Leonardo Dicaprio- Django Unchained

2. Phillip Seymour Hoffman- The Master

3. Tommy Lee Jones- Lincoln

4. Robert De Niro- Silver Linings Playbook

5. Alan Arkin- Argo

6.  Russell Crowe- Les Miserables

7. Michael Peña- End of Watch

8. Dwight Henry- Beasts of the Southern Wild

9. Samuel L. Jackson- Django Unchained

10. Matthew Mcconaughey- Magic Mike

11. William H. Macy- The Sessions

12. Ray Liotta- Killing Them Softly

13. Sam Rockwell- Seven Psychopaths 

14. Joseph Gordon-Levitt- Lincoln

15. John Goodman- Flight

16. Don Cheadle- Flight

17. Irrfan Khan- Life of Pi

18. Michael Fassbender- Prometheus 

 19. John Krasinski- Promised Land

20. Hal Holbrook- Promised Land

21. Eddie Redmayne- Les Miserables

22. Jude Law- Anna Karenina

23. Javier Bardem- Skyfall  

24. Ian Mckellen- The Hobbit

25. Woody Harrelson- The Hunger Games 

26. John Goodman- Argo